nov 272018
Titolo: Fundamentals of European Banking Law
Prezzo: € 28,00
Anno: 2018
Autore/Curatore: De Poli Matteo
ISBN: 9788813368470
COLLANA: Pubblicazioni della Facolta di Giurisprudenza dell'Universita di Padova


Fundamentals of European Banking Law is an exhaustive and updated analysis and discussion of both European banking legislation and pertinent regulation, especially that concerning the Banking Union and its three pillars. The strength of the work, which makes it unique in the market of handbooks on the same theme is, first and foremost, that it specifically focuses on only banking law, instead on the broader branch of financial law; hence, the great attention paid not only to rules (both primary and secondary) governing banks and banking but also to the underpinning theoretical concepts (i.e., supervision, protection of depositors, bank resolution, etcetera). Thus, this book can be beneficial to both students – who thanks to it can learn the basics of a such intricate matter -, and all those who have to deal with banking law as practitioners or, more in general, who want to ‘venture out’ into the labyrinth of the legal sources existing in this discipline of law. Furthermore, Fundamentals of European Banking Law encompasses both a detailed account of the most critical case law in this discipline and a punctual examination of the most significant crises of banks in EU countries occurred in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crises.

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