ott 222012
Anno: 2012
ISBN: 9780414024397

A Practitioner’s Guide to the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers is a unique and definitive annual guide to the work of the Takeover Panel. It describes the role and purpose of the Panel, then examines and gives guidance on the latest rules, providing you with a complete and up to date picture of the Code.
This book is an invaluable resource for anyone active in mergers and acquisitions, whether you are looking for an understanding of the takeover and merger process; an overview of your duties and responsibilities before and during a transaction; or detailed guidance that will enable you to advise a client and ensure that they are complying with the latest requirements.
Each year the Guide is fully revised and updated to take into account changes to the Code and their implications, giving you a single reliable source that you can rely on during any takeover or merger transaction.
The book is authored by some of the City’s foremost practitioners who are experts in their field and includes an introductory chapter from the Director General of the Panel.
  Covers the Takeover Panel’s role in administering the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers, with an introduction from the Director General of the Panel
  Examines and gives guidance on all the rules, explaining the responsibilities and actions of each party throughout the transaction
  Fully updated annually to include all the latest Code developments
  Discusses the rules surrounding the approach, announcements and the provision of independent advice
  Explains the restrictions on dealings and requirements on disclosure
  Compares mandatory and voluntary offers
  Covers redemption or purchase by a company of its own securities
  Takes the reader through accepted conduct during an offer
  Considers the impact on takeovers of the regime to combat market abuse
  Written by a team including some of the City’s best known experts

Prezzo di vendita € 175,00 (più € 10,00 spese di spedizione).
Tempo di attesa: 30 gg. circa

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