mag 292020
Titolo: Defining, measuring and managing consumer experiences
Prezzo: € 137,00
Anno: 2020
Autore/Curatore: Sorrentino, Annarita
ISBN: 9788892131972
EDITORE: Giappichelli
COLLANA: Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management






Collana: Routledge-Giappichelli Studies in Business and Management




This book offers a comprehensive overview of the challenges that marketing faces in understanding, managing and measuring the dynamics of modern consumer behaviours and successfully managing the customer experience.

The reader will gain a deeper knowledge of the approaches to consumer behaviour and learn about the theoretical and empirical challenges of studying customer experience management. It also considers the post-modern consumer, which requires a move beyond the purely rationalist perspective of traditional marketing and provides methodological support for firms and scholars who wish to measure cognitive, emotional and behavioural consumer reactions. More specifically, it explores the changes in consumer behaviours, the limitations of traditional measurement approaches and the importance of capturing small insights with neuromarketing metrics, with a chapter contributed by a leading expert. A new three-point perspective on consumer behaviours is set out that combines behaviour (what people do) with the declared (what people say) and the perceived (what people feel). This approach acknowledges the complexity of consumer behaviours and the methodological bias derived from the use of the traditional techniques (principally the survey) or from big data. Only a holistic perspective can capture the heterogeneous nature of consumer behaviour.

 The book thereby takes up the theoretical debate about the definition, management and measurement of customer behaviour. It also examines measurement methodologies, an area that has received little attention elsewhere. Besides addressing the scientific community in the field, the book will also be a valuable practical resource for marketing managers, entrepreneurs and consultants who want to implement innovative strategies to manage the customer experience.


Table of contents

List of figures and tables


1. From behaviours to experiences

1.1. Consumer behaviours

1.1.1. Factors influencing behavioural choices

1.1.2. The post-modern consumption paradigms

1.1.3. The linear consumer journey

1.2. Satisfaction, value and experience

1.2.1. An experiential perspective on value creation

1.3. The circular consumer journey

1.3.1. The role of emotions

1.3.2. Towards memorable experiences

2. Ecclectic approaches to measure consumers responses

2.1 Understanding behavioural bias

2.1.1. The behavioural layer

2.1.2. The declared layer

2.1.3. The perceived layer

2.2. Using big data to understand what people do

2.3. The survey as tool to measure what people say

2.4. Neuromarketing to capture what people feel: setting the scene (for

chapter 3)

3. Neuromarketing to discover the small insights

3.1. Marketing and neuroscience

3.2. Consumer neuroscience and consumer theory

3.3. Applications of consumer neuroscience

3.4. Neuromarketing and branding

3.5. Research in consumer neuroscience

VIII Defining, measuring and managing consumer experiences

3.6. Most common methods and devices used during a typical neuro-marketing experiment

3.6.1. Biometric indicators

3.7. How neuroscience can help marketing research

4. Managing consumer centricity (By Myriam Caratù)

4.1. From consumers to people

4.2. Towards an experience-oriented approach

4.2.1. Designing experiences

4.2.2. Managing the consumer experience Physical stimuli Digital stimuli The effects of advertising

4.3. Measuring behavioural responses

4.4. Implementing customer experience management: setting the

scene (for chapter 5)

5. Customer experience management (CEM). State-of-the-art and best practices

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Aims and methodology

5.3. Measuring CEM from the firm’s perspective

5.3.1. The four patterns model

5.3.2. The six pillars model

5.4. State-of-the-art of the CEM implementation

5.5. Case studies

5.5.1. The case of Mediolanum bank

5.5.2. The case of Paganella Top Experiences (PTE) PTE strategic model

5.5.3. The case of Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) The MSC endless consumer journey

5.6. Discussion



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